Panchmahabhoota Siddhanta and its Importance in Ayurveda
Panchmahabhoota Siddhanta is one of the important Siddhanta of Ayurveda. Panchmahabhoota are Akash, Vayu, Agni, Aap and Prithvi. Panchmahabhoota are structural unit of Body. Ahara Dravyas and Aoushadhi Dravyas are also made by Panchmahabhoota. As per Sankhya Darshana, Panchmahabhootas are originated from Tamasika and Rajasika Ahankara. Ayuraveda states that Panchmahabhootas are originated from five Sukshama Bhoota i.e., Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa and Gandha. Theory of Panchmahabhoota is widely utilized in Ayurveda. On the basis of predominancy of Panchmahabhoota all the Dravyas are categorized as Parthiva, Jaleeya, Agneya, Vayaveeya and Akasheeya. As per Sushruta, Prakruti is five types based on Panchmahabhoota. Doshas are structural unit of Body which are also made up of Panchmahaboota. Shadrasa, Triguna i.e., Satwa, Raja and Tama are also made up of Panchmahaboota. In understanding Marma Vigyana knowledge of Panchmahaboota is important. Role of Panchmahabhoota is very important in Chikitsa.
Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya Charaka Samhita by Agnivesha with the Ayurvada Dipika commentary of Chakrapani Datta, Varanasi, Chowkhamba surabharati prakashana, Reprint 2017;329pp
Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya Charaka Samhita by Agnivesha with the Ayurvada Dipika commentary of Chakrapani Datta, Varanasi, Chowkhamba surabharati prakashana, Reprint 2017;138pp
Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya Charaka Samhita by Agnivesha with the Ayurvada Dipika commentary of Chakrapani Datta, Varanasi, Chowkhamba surabharati prakashana, Reprint 2017;289pp
Dingari Lakshmana charya Padarth Vijnana evam Ayurveda Itihas, Delhi, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, Reprint 2017;94pp
Dingari Lakshmana charya Padarth Vijnana evam Ayurveda Itihas, Delhi, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, Reprint 2017;65,66pp
Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya Charaka Samhita by Agnivesha with the Ayurvada Dipika commentary of Chakrapani Datta, Varanasi, Chowkhamba surabharati prakashana, Reprint 2017;289pp
Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya Charaka Samhita by Agnivesha with the Ayurvada Dipika commentary of Chakrapani Datta, Varanasi, Chowkhamba surabharati prakashana, Reprint 2017;289pp
Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya Charaka Samhita by Agnivesha with the Ayurvada Dipika commentary of Chakrapani Datta, Varanasi, Chowkhamba surabharati prakashana, Reprint 2017;289pp
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