A comparative clinical evaluation of efficacy of Kati Basti with Prabhanjanam Taila and Moorchita Tila Taila in Gridhrasi w.s.r to Sciatica
Kati Basti included under various external procedures of Ayurveda, having variety of actions like the Bahya Snehana (external oleation), Swedana Chikitsa (fomentation therapy). Kati Basti is indicated in various disorders of spine and back like backache, lumbar spondylosis, sciatica, degenerative disc changes etc. Low back pain is most common complaint with a prevalence of 65 to 90%. Improper sitting postures, traveling, use of two wheeler and sports activities are few important causes of backache. Sciatica often used to describe low back pain that spreads (radiates) through the hip, to the back of the thigh, and down the inside of the leg which closely resembles with Gridhrasi. In Sharanghadhara Samhita use of Prabhanjana Taila in Ghridhrasi Vyadhi has been indicated, hence an attempt was made to compare clinically the efficacy of Kati Basti with Prabhanjanam Taila and Moorchita Tila Taila in Gridhrasi with special reference to sciatica.
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