Critical review on pathogenesis of Vataj and Vatakaphaj Gridhrasi (Sciatica)
In Ayurveda, nomenclature of diseases has been done in different ways e.g. according to DoshaDushya involved, according to symptoms etc. Here, the word Gridhrasi is suggestive of the typical character of pain and also the gait of the patient. Gridhra means vulture. Vulture is fond of meat and has a particular fashion of eating meat. It pierces its beak deeply in the flesh and then draws it forcefully, causing severe pain. The pain in Gridhrasi is also of the same kind, hence the name of this illness. Secondly, Gridhra also means the man who is greedily striving after meat like that of vulture. Such a person is more prone to this disease ‘Gridhrasi’. Also, because of the persisting severe pain, the patient has a typical gait (slightly tilted towards the affected side, affected leg in flexed position and the other leg is extended). This gait resembles that of the vulture. The particular causative factors of Gridhrasi are not mentioned in the classics. The general causes of Vatavyadhi are considered as the causes of Gridhrasi since it is considered under eighty Nanatmaja Vata Vyadhies. These Vata disorders are caused by almost the same Vata Prakopaka Nidanas, but the different diseases are due to the Samprapti Vishesha of the vitiated Vayu. The Vataprakopaka Hetus found in different Samhita.
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