Ayurveda Practitioners Consensus to Develop Strategies for Prevention and Treatment of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19)

  • Dr. Ashok Kumar Panda Research Officer, Central Ayurveda Institute for Hepatobiliary Disorders, CCRAS, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, INDIA.
  • Amit Kumar Dixit Assistant Director (Biochemistry), Central Ayurveda Research Institute for Drug Development, CCRAS, Kolkata, INDIA.
  • Suvendu Rout Head, Department of Kayachikitsa, SJS Ayurveda College, Nazrathpet, Chennai, INDIA.
  • Baidyanath Mishra Director (R&D), Ingex Germany GmBH, Theodor-Heuss-Allee Business Center GmbH. Theodor-HeussAllee 112, 60486 Frankfurt am Main, Germany,
  • Umesh V. Purad Principal, DGM Ayurveda Medical College Cum Post Graduation Centre and Hospital, Gadag, Karnataka, INDIA.
  • Sarbeswar Kar Medical Superintendent, SDM Institute of Ayurveda and Hospital, Anchepalya, Bangalore, Karnataka, INDIA.
Keywords: Corona, COVID-19, Pathogenesis, Consensus, Rasayana


Background: The outbreak of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been recently declared as Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by World Health Organization and the virus has now spread beyond the boundaries of countries and continents. At present, no specific antiviral treatment or vaccine is available or recommended to counter the COVID-19, and the potential therapy is still symptomatic. Objective: The primary aim of the study is to review ancient classical literatures and past human treatment protocols of Ayurveda for prevention and treatment of infectious diseases and flu like illnesses, so as to provide guidance for the prevention of COVID-19. Methods: Classical Ayurveda and recent modern literature with treatment protocols of Ayurveda for prevention and treatment of flu and infectious diseases were reviewed and COVID-19 has been categorized in four specific situations based on the severity of clinical condition. Total 110 Ayurveda practitioners of different parts of India were participated in the survey. These specific situations were conveyed and described to these participants and their opinions and options were collected through social media platform i.e. WhatsApp or SMS. Results: Recommendation and suggestions received from more than 50% participants were taken into accounts to draft the recommendation for probable preventive and therapeutic regimen for the disease. Conclusion: The results obtained in the study may provide a preventive strategy to the Ayurveda practitioners as well as common people across the globe by increasing the innate immunity of the body to combat COVID-19. However, till today, social distancing is considered as most effective way to stop the spread of COVID-19. Further, pilot study for different group is recommended.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v5i01.821
Published: 2020-02-29
How to Cite
Dr. Ashok Kumar Panda, Amit Kumar Dixit, Suvendu Rout, Baidyanath Mishra, Umesh V. Purad, Sarbeswar Kar. Ayurveda Practitioners Consensus to Develop Strategies for Prevention and Treatment of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19). J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci [Internet]. 2020Feb.29 [cited 2025Apr.1];5(01):98-106. Available from: https://jaims.in/jaims/article/view/821
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