Preliminary pharmacognostic and phyto-chemical evaluation of Darbha (Desmostachya bipinnata Stapf.)

  • Dr. Niti T. Shah C-45, Nilamber Villa, KubereshwarMarg, Dabhoi Waghodia Ring Road, Vadodara, Gujarat.
  • Bharati Umrethia Reader, Department of Post Graduate Studies in Rasashastra & Bhaishajyakalpana, J S Ayurved College, Nadiad, Vaidya Ksharsutra, Government Ayurved Hospital, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
  • Tushar P. Shah Reader, Department of Post Graduate Studies in Rasashastra & Bhaishajyakalpana, J S Ayurved College, Nadiad, Vaidya Ksharsutra, Government Ayurved Hospital, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
Keywords: Darbha, Desmostachya Bipinnata Stapf, Diuretic


Background: Darbha (Desmostachya bipinnata Stapf.) is found in the plains of India, throughout the Middle East to Indo-China, North and tropical Africa. It is a species of open habitat, arid regions with water table near surface. According to Ayurveda its roots are used in conditions such as Mootrakruchchra¸ Ashmari, Raktapitta, Pitaprakopa, etc. Aim: To investigate preliminary pharmacognostical and phytochemical parameters of plant to standardize the drug. Materials and Method: Identification of the plant was done as per the standard guidelines given in the floras. Preliminary physico-chemical and phyto-chemical screening was done and after achieving the idea of phytoconstituents group, quantitative test of sugar content and volatile oil content and thin layer chromatography studies were carried out for different organic solvent extracts. Results: Presence of air cavities in root but their absences in stolon suggest that Darbha is a halophytic plant. Aqueous extracts showed the presence of tannins, carbohydrates and sugars. Conclusion: The findings of the study will be helpful in the identification of Darbha plant.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v2i03.192
Published: 2017-06-30
How to Cite
Dr. Niti T. Shah, Bharati Umrethia, & Tushar P. Shah. (2017). Preliminary pharmacognostic and phyto-chemical evaluation of Darbha (Desmostachya bipinnata Stapf.). Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 2(03), 75-83.
Original Article