A Literary Review on Kritrima Visha Janya Twak Vikara

  • Dr. Maheshwari BH Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Agada Tantra Evam Vidhi Vaidyaka Evam Vyavahara Ayurveda, SDM Trust’s Ayurvedic Medical College And Danigond Post Graduation Centre, Terdal, Bagalkot, Karnataka, INDIA.
  • Dr. Shakuntala B. Saswihalli Professor & HOD, Department of Agada Tantra Evam Vidhi Vaidyaka Evam Vyavahara Ayurveda, SDM Trust’s Ayurvedic Medical College And Danigond Post Graduation Centre, Terdal, Bagalkot, Karnataka, INDIA.
Keywords: Twak Vikaras, Kritrima Visha, Gara Visha, Dooshivisha, Artificial poison, Cumulative poison


The term skin is commonly used to describe the body covering of any vertebrates. Skin is the largest sense organ in the human body which has the function of perceiving sense like pain, touch, temperature, pressure etc. It also provides protection to the whole body from external surrounding by covering it. Now a days occurrence of skin disease is more common due to the altered life style taking the incompitable foods, mixed foods, lack of exercise, exposing to unhealthy environment etc. In Ayurveda this concept can be correlated with Kritrima Visha. Twak is target organ for any poisonous manifestation. Exposure to Kritrima Visha can cause manifestation of number of systemic diseases including Twak Vikaras. Present review is aimed to compile up the Twak Vikaras due to the exposure of Gara Visha and Dooshi Visha.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v5i04.1001
Published: 2020-08-31
How to Cite
Dr. Maheshwari BH, & Dr. Shakuntala B. Saswihalli. (2020). A Literary Review on Kritrima Visha Janya Twak Vikara. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 5(04), 378-381. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.v5i04.1001
Review Article