Healthy Eyes : Ayurvedic Perspective
Ayurveda is the traditional and ancient Indian system of health science. Its name literally means science of life. Ayurvedic knowledge was originated in India more than 5000 years ago and it is often called the " Mother of all healing". It has eight branches which deals with the different parts of body. Among them, Shalakya Tantra is an important branch of Ayurveda dealing with the diseases situated above clavicle, including the disorders of eye, ear, nose, throat, dental, head and neck. In this branch, the prime importance is given to Netra as it is considered Pradhana among all Indriyas. Importance of vision has been explained in Samhitas - A person who desires for a long life must take care of his eyes throughout life as for a blind man there is no difference between day and night henceforth even though he has wealth, he will not be able to enjoy the life so protection of eye sight is the top most priority in life. Netra being the most important Indriya among all the Indriyas, it is very necessary to maintain its health. Creating awareness among the people regarding the concepts of Dinacharya, Kriyakalpas use, Chakshushya drugs, healthy food habits, regular exercises and Pranayam can immensely decrease prevelance of eye disorders.
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