Ashvabala (Medicago sativa Linn.) Nari Aushadhi - A Review
Ashvabala is Rasayana drug mentioned in Ayurveda. It has synonyms like Vanamethika, Hisphitha and Ghodghas but best word mentioned in Charaka Samhita is Nari Aushadhi i.e. Good for Female’s problems. Ashvabala Rasayana is not only the rejuvenation medicine, but also versatile tonic for female reproductive systems. Inspite of Rasayana, Ashvabala is beneficial in female’s reproductive system starting from menarche to menopause. It is useful in female infertility, maintain sex organ health, enhance folliculogenesis and ovulation, prepare womb for conception, balance hormones, fetal growth, post-partum as galactagogic and also useful in menopausal symptoms. Like Shatavari and Ashvagandha, Ashvabala is also good Nari Rasayana - A Versatile Female Tonic.
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