Challenges faced in lifestyle modification - An Ayurvedic perspective
Life style is a way of life established by a society, culture, group or individual. This includes patterns of behavior, interaction, consumption, work activity and interests that describe how a person spends his/her time. It is very interesting to note that there is a particular pattern or rhythm observed in nature as well as in the body. The concepts mentioned in Ayurveda aims at understanding a major chunk of these rhythms as well as emphasize the importance of maintaining these rhythms. Ayurvedic perspective of an ideal lifestyle includes: Dinacharya, Ratricharya, Ritucharya, Sadvritta, Ahara Vidhi Vidhana, Swapna, Brahmacharya/ Abhramacharya, Varshika Shodhana, Ritumaticharya, Dharniya/Adharaniya Vegas etc. and is just not restricted to daily or seasonal regime. Therefore it frames a systematic routine that can be classified as aspects pertaining to physical, mental, social, medical, societal, cultural, dietetics etc in order to maintain an ideal life style. Having said so, it is not an easy task to implement them suddenly or just as it is in ways mentioned in texts. The basic principle has to be understood and has to be applied in an appropriate manner keeping in mind the present scenario. For example: understanding Ritu is a big challenge owing to the global warming. Thus, few of such challenges are being mentioned here along with suggestive implications.
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