A conceptual study on the effect of Arka Lavana in Yakrit Vikara w.s.r. to Alcoholic Liver Disease

  • Dr. Ajeetkumar Karjagi Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Shalya Tantra, Government Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka, INDIA.
  • Dr. Shilpa PN Associate Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, Government Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka, INDIA.
Keywords: Yakrit Vikara, Arka Lavana, ALD, Alcoholic Liver Disease


Liver plays many important roles as Chayapachaya, Ranjana of Rasa Dhatu, manufacturing essential compounds, storage, detoxifications to keep the body healthy. Excessive consumption of alcohol (Madya with Amla, Ushna, Teekshna, Vikasi Gunas) is one of the major cause of Raktavaha Sroto Dushti and its Moola (Yakrit). Diet and lifestyle are major factors which influence susceptibility to liver disorders. Liver disorders are one of the major problems and it is among top ten causes of death in the world. The clinical presentation of alcohol induced Rasa and Raktadushti, liver cell damage, spleen pathology, vascular damage are considered under the heading of Rasa and Rakta Pradoshaja Vikaras with special importance to ALD. Here an attempt is made to conduct a study regarding the role of Arka Lavana in the management of Yakrit-Vikar w.s.r. to ALD.



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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v5i06.1138
Published: 2020-12-31
How to Cite
Dr. Ajeetkumar Karjagi, & Dr. Shilpa PN. (2020). A conceptual study on the effect of Arka Lavana in Yakrit Vikara w.s.r. to Alcoholic Liver Disease. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 5(06), 178-182. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.v5i06.1138
Review Article