Critical review on Laxmivilas Rasa w.s.r to Rasa Yog Sagar
Rasashastra is the branch of Ayurveda which mainly deals with herbo mineral formulation. Almost 70% of Ayurvedic formulation includes combination of one or more metal or minerals in Shudha (purified) form or Bhasma (ash) form along with herbal drug which helps in improving the potency and efficacy of the formulation. Laxmivilas Rasa is one of the herbo mineral combination used in various disease like Kasa (cough), Jwar (fever), Kustha (skin disorder), Rajayakshma (T.b), Prameha (diabetes), Atisaar (dysentery), Arsha (piles) etc. so, here 12 Patha Bheda (combination) of Laxmivilas Rasa described in Rasa Yog Sagar is discussed which includes content, Bhavana Dravya (trituration substance), Anupan (vehicle), Pathya Apathya (do’s and don’ts), Matra (dosage), Roga Adhikar (disease).
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