Role of Agni in growth and development in children
Ahara is considered as Bahyaprana in Ayurvedic science as it plays prime role in maintaining homeostasis of the body. In Ayurveda the term Agni is used in the sense of digestion of food and metabolic procedure. Nutrition is the basic fundamental need of every living organism also the human beings. To cope up the need of all physiological functions of human body, an uninterrupted supply of nutrition is necessary. It is more essential and subject of concern for infant and children during period of their growth and development. Growth is physical increase in size; development is growth in function and capability. Both processes highly depend on genetic, environmental factors and nutrition i.e. Ahara which is digested by Agni for its absorption. Agni is force of intelligence within each cell, tissue and system and it plays key role in growth and development of children.
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