Critical review on Anand Bhairav Rasa w.s.r. to Rasa Yog Sagar
Anand Bhairav Rasa is a traditional Ayurvedic medicine and having therapeutic importance. It has total 12 Pathabheda as per Rasa Yog Sagar (R.Y.S.)[1] Anand Bhairav Rasa is specifically acts on Jwar (fever) and Atisar (diarrhoea). Among this 12 Pathabhedas each Pathabheda has different herbal, metal and mineral contents. Hingula (cinnabar) and Vatsanabha (Aconitum ferox) are two most important contents which are almost common among all Pathabheda. Each Pathabheda has unique indications, But among all Jwar and Atisar has most common therapeutic use. Other indication are Kasa (cough), Shwasa (asthama), Prameha (diabetes), Ajirna (indigestion), Apasmar (epilepsy), Grahani (IBS) etc. This paper enlightens on those all points like contents, dose, Bhavana, Anupana, Pathya and clinical indications of Anand Bhairav Rasa. Anandbhairav Rasa is an important formulation in the practice of Ayurveda. There is 12 Pathabheda in Rasayogsagar of an Anandbhairav Rasa. The article mainly compiles review of 12 Pathabheda of Anandbhairav Rasa from Rasayogsagar.
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