Pathya Apathya of Visha w.s.r. to Prayoga Samucchaya
Agadatantra deals with the study of poison and its treatment and is given utmost importance among the branches of Ayurveda owing to its need for emergency management. Pathya Apathya is very important in the management of Visha Roga to keep the Dhatus in normal state and will not let them vitiated more by the action of Visha Gunas. People are exposed to different toxins, bites and stings and it’s the need of hour to understand properly about the Pathya Apathya to be followed in such conditions. This articles highlights the relevance of Pathya and Apathya in Visha Chikitsa from the malayalam text Prayoga Samucchaya.
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Sreekantha Murthy K R editor, Astanga Sangraha Uttarasthana, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Orientalia. 2010; p.98:41/94. Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda Series.
Govinda Das. Bhaishajya Ratnāvali (Ambika data sastri comme. kanjivilochan English. translation) Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Bhavan; 2006; vol 3.p:480.55/75-83.
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