Vishaghna (anti-toxic) property of Shirisha (Albizia lebbeck) : A Review
Ayurveda is a traditional healthcare system of Indian medicine since ancient times. Majority of medicine mentioned in Ayurveda are plant based. Herbal medicine is based on the premise that plants and plants extracts contain natural phytochemicals with biological activity that can promote health or alleviate illness. Shirisha (Albizia lebbeck) is one of the important herbs having broad spectrum therapeutic effects. In classical textbook it is mentioned as the best among the Vishaghna (anti poisonous) drug. In Ayurveda it is used in allergic skin conditions, allergic cough and seasonal cold to get relief. It’s action is Shothara (anti-inflammatory), Vedanasthapan (analgesic), Varnya (complexion promoter), Vrishya (Spermatogogue), Vishaghna (antipoisonous), Shirovirechana (Nasya), Chakshushya (beneficial to eyes), Stambhana (anti Diarrheal), Kaphagna (antitussive), Raktashodhaka (Blood purifier) and Kustaghna (anti leprotic), Kandughna (Antipruritic). Research conducted during past have also reported its anti-inflammatory, anti-histaminic, antianaphylactic, anti-asthmatic, anti-microbial properties.
Susrutha Samhitha of Susrutha Nibandha Sangraha Commentary of Sri Dalhana Acharya and Nyaya Chandrikapanjika of Sri Gayadasa Acharya.kalpasthana; sthavaravishavigyaniya adhyaya: 2/44-46.Varanasi. Chaukamba Sanskrit Sansthan, 2015, 566.
Kunti Anna Moreshwara editor. Sarvanga sundara of Arunadatta. Ashtanga Hrudaya of Vagbhata. Uttarasthana; vishapratishedam adhyaya, 35/21. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 2016, 804
Arunadatta. Ashtanga Hrudaya of Vagbhata. Uttarasthana; sarpavishapratisheda adhyaya, 36/66. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 2016, 812
Kunti Anna Moreshwara editor. Sarvanga sundara of Arunadatta. Ashtanga Hrudaya of Vagbhata. Uttarasthana; vishapratisheda adhyaya, 35/46. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 2016, 805.
Kunti Anna Moreshwara editor. Sarvanga sundara of Arunadatta. Ashtanga Hrudaya of Vagbhata. Uttarasthana; sarpavishachikitsa adhyaya, 36/72. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 2016, 812.
Kunti Anna Moreshwara editor. Sarvanga sundara of Arunadatta. Ashtanga Hrudaya of Vagbhata. Uttarasthana; kitalootadivishapratisheda adhyaya, 37/76. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 2016, 818.
Kunti Anna Moreshwara editor. Sarvanga sundara of Arunadatta. Ashtanga Hrudaya of Vagbhata. Uttarasthana; mushikaalrkavishapratisheda adhyaya, 38/17. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 2016, 821.
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