An observational study to assess the relation between placental weight and neonatal weight at term deliveries in pregnant woman taking Vegetarian and Mixed Diet

  • Dr. Sachin Bagali Assistant Professor, Dept of Samhita &Siddhanta, BLDEA’s AVS Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Vijayapur, Karnataka,INDIA.
  • Dr. Geeta Dolli Associate Professor, Dept of Shareera Rachana, SHES AMC Gulbarga, Karnataka, INDIA.
  • Dr. Shivakumar Yaragal Assistant Professor, Dept of Shareera Rachana, BLDEA’s AVS Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Vijayapur, Karnataka, INDIA.
Keywords: Apara, Placenta, Placental weight, Neonatal weight


Now a day’s women have become highly qualified and working in the corporate world, In this busy lifestyle they are consuming junk food. In pregnant women such lifestyle will be dangerous to both mother and baby, in mother it may lead to complications related to pregnancy like placenta previa, miscarriages etc. and birth related complications such as low birth weight or any type of developmental anomalies. Materials & Methods: Newborn baby, Placenta and weighing machine formed the materials and the weight of both checked & evaluated the relation between them. Data was collected from total 100 (50 in each group) delivered women from BLDEA’s AVS AMV Hospital & BLDEU’S Shri. B. M. Patil medical college hospital and other hospitals. Observation & Results: After delivery weight of placenta & neonate baby weight were recorded in both groups. It was noted in mixed diet group both weight of neonate was high compared to vegetarian group and weight of placenta was high in vegetarian group compared to mixed diet. Overall, the common ratio between Placenta weight & Neonate weight (1:6) was maintained in mixed diet group & it was not observed in vegetarian group. Conclusion: Study has proved the significance role of nutrition during antenatal period. Relation between neonatal & placental weight were significantly high compared to vegetarian diet group. Ratio of these two was normal in mixed diet group.


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Published: 2021-02-28
How to Cite
Dr. Sachin Bagali, Dr. Geeta Dolli, & Dr. Shivakumar Yaragal. (2021). An observational study to assess the relation between placental weight and neonatal weight at term deliveries in pregnant woman taking Vegetarian and Mixed Diet. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 6(01), 64-69.
Original Article