Classical review of Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) and its contraindications
Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) is used in the traditional system of medicines, and it is one of the most used Ayurvedic herbs. It is widely prescribed Ayurvedic drug in various diseases. Guggulu’s unique properties of decreasing cholesterol level and relieving joint inflammation find it as essential ingredients of numerous Ayurvedic medicines. It is used as an anti-oxidant and possesses various beneficial properties such as anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-septic, etc. It is an effective lipid regulator. Guggul lowers LDL (Low-density lipoprotien) cholesterol levels and significantly inhibits LDL oxidation. Guggulu has been described in the ancient Ayurvedic text as a Medohar and Vatahar so it helps in weight control and body fat reduction. Its ole-gum resin is used as binding agent in many tablets. But it also has some contraindications. Therefore, a classical review of Guggulu in various Ayurvedic text is necessary.
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Bhava Misra, Bhavaprakash English commentary, Edited by Dr. Bulusu Sitaraman, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Edition -2014, Chikitsasthan -24/156
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