A Conceptual Study on the effect of Yashadamrita Malahara in Dushta Vrana w.s.r to Diabetic Ulcer
Diabetes is one of the most prevalent diseases in the world. Diabetic patients have up to 25% lifetime risk of developing foot ulcers as a complication of Diabetes. Incidence of Diabetic Ulcer is ~3%. Diabetic Ulcer is caused due to Diabetic Neuropathy or atherosclerosis causing is chaemia or breakdown of glucose laden tissue leading to infection and ulceration. Vrana which has bad odour, abnormal colour, profuse discharge, intense pain and takes a long time to heal is Dusta Vrana. These symptoms present in Diabetic Ulcer. The treatment modalities of Diabetic Ulcer in conventional medications, topical applications, surgical procedures which are expensive, need hospitalization and in most of the case recurrence rate is high. In Sushruta Samhita there is detail explaination of management of Vrana, where Acharya Sushruta mentioned 60 Upakramas. Yashadamrita Malahara mentioned in Rasatarangini as Vividhavranaropaka.
Iraj B, Khorvash F, Ebneshahidi A, Askari G, Prevention of Diabetic Foot Ulcer, Int J Prev Med 2013; 4: 373- 376.
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