Conceptual study on Aharapaka in Ayurveda
Ayurveda is the most ancient science of life and its main aim is to maintain health of the healthy individual and prevention of disease and treatment of disease. Ayurveda considered that Ahara, Nidra and Brahmacharya are three main pillars of life. In them Ahara plays an important role in life of all living beings. So, for the maintenance of health, healthy food and proper digestion is needed as per Ayurveda theory, like all the universal matter our body is also made up of Pancha Mahabhutas in this Panchamahabhoutik Shareera various Paka (metabolic transformations) are going on continuously and for this transformation Agni is the key factor and this Agni transforms consumed food into energy. Ahara is the practical application of the principles of nutrition. Aharapaka is the main process which does proper digestion of food in Kosta in various stages. The word Ahaara Paaka is a broad term and it includes various processes of digestion absorption assimilation and metabolism explained in modern science. As per Ayurvedic texts process of Ahaara Paaka begins from intake of food i.e., deglutition and ends at proper digestion. Not only ideal food will nourish our body but also proper digestion of the food will nourish the body and mind. Aharapaka process will helps in the formation of Dosha, Dhathu, and mala and these are the basic elements of the body. So, this present study is taken to find out importance of Aharapaka process in the maintenance of health.
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