Critical analysis on physiological understanding of Indriya
According to Ayurveda classic texts Indriyas (Sense organ) are the apparatus to attain knowledge for Atma. These are the tools for obtaining knowledge. The Gyanendriya (sensory faculties) present inside body conjoins with the Mana (mind) which is unites with Atma and thereafter knowledge is perceived. Lastly the Buddhi (intellect) aspect of the respective Indriya knowledge is gained. Indriya are Panchabautika. Each Gyanendriya has dominance of one Mahabhuta and particular Indriya receives only Guna of that Mahabhuta in the form of stimulus. This is the reason behind reception of specific sensation by its respective Indriya. E.g., Prithvi Mahabhuta dominates Ghranendriya and receives knowledge of Gandha. Considering the above said, present paper focuses upon critical analysis on physiological aspects of Gyanendriyas. Understanding the concept of Gyanendriya is an important step in learning of Kriya Sharir. It enables scholars of Ayurveda to learn normal physiology of Indriya (senses) to diagnose any illness related to it.
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