An Ayurvedic approach to Koshtashakashrita Kamala w.s.r. to Alcoholic Hepatitis - A Case Study
Kamala explained in Ayurvedic texts is a disease therefore it cannot be correlate to jaundice as it is only sign which means yellowishness. But it can be correlated to hepatitis of either cause viral or nonviral. Yakrit Vikara is developed due to excessive consumption of Madya continuously for a prolonged period and is chronic in nature. Excessive alcohol consumption could result in alcoholic, fatty liver disease or steatosis, alcoholic hepatitis (AH), and eventually cirrhosis. Alcoholic hepatitis is a severe syndrome of alcoholic liver disease (ALD), characterized by rapid onset of jaundice, malaise, tender hepatomegaly, and with subtle features of systemic inflammatory response. Ayurveda is traditionally skilful in treating liver diseases since centuries. The description of Hepatocellular jaundice is similar to Ayurvedic description of Kamala Vyadhi. Here a case report of a 46 years male who is chronic alcoholic having Bahupitta Kamala who was treated with herbo mineral medicines and which gave effective result by Pitta Sramasana (lowering Pitta) in the same case.
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