Ayurvedic management of Indraluptha - A Case Study

  • Dr. Rathi S. Associate Professor, Department of PG Studies in Shalakya Tantra, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bengaluru, Karnataka, INDIA.
Keywords: Indralupta, Case study, Hair loss, Alopecia, Baldness


Indraluptha is one among Shirokapalagatha Roga mentioned by Acharya Vagbhata. It is correlated to Alopacia Areata. Indraluptha is characterized by localized non-scarring hair loss. Vagbhata has explained the cause for Indraluptha is Vata and Pitta which causes hair to fall off while Kapha along with Rakta obstructing the hair follicles. In contemporary science treatments are limited. Ayurveda has great potential to treat Indraluptha. Here a case of Indraluptha successfully treated with Ayurvedic management is recorded.


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Vaghatta Ashtanga Hridaya. Bhishagacharya Paraadakara Pt. HS Shastri, Varanasi Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan.2013 Uttar Sthana 24/28-30 pp 862.

Harishastri Paradkar (editor). Anna Moreshwar Kunte Krishna Ramachandra Navre (collation), Commentary Sarvangasundara of Arunadatta on Asthtanga Hridayam of Vagbhata Nidaanasthanam, Chapter 14 verse no 51. First edition, Krishnadas Academy Varanasi, reprint 1995, p529.

Sushrurta Samhita Sootrasthanavrana Lepanavidhi Chapter 18, verse 6, Chaukambha Varanasi 2009 p 128.
DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v6i01.1236
Published: 2021-02-28
How to Cite
Dr. Rathi S. (2021). Ayurvedic management of Indraluptha - A Case Study. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 6(01), 356-358. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.v6i01.1236
Case Report