Classical and contemporary aspect of Dushi Visha
In Today’s Era people follows western lifestyle and food habits. Peoples are constantly exposed to environmental chemicals through polluted water, soil, air and food. Toxins gets accumulated in body tissues that leads to serious health. New generation is likely to consume junk food, cold drinks, working late nights. As Dushi Visha is mild in potency it is not fatal and causes various diseases as the toxins remain in the body for longer period. Unfavorable environment (Desha), time (Kaala), food, over exertion, mental dilemma, anger etc. Reduces the immunity of a person, and these are the aggravating factors of Dushi Visha. To remove these toxins from body Panchakarma therapy should be done yearly as it is the detoxification procedure it detoxifies the body and neutralizes the toxins. Every year it should be done periodically so that it will maintain physiology of body and prevent from diseases.
Dr. Kaviraj Ambita Dutta Shastri Editor of Sushruta samhita of Maharsi Susruta Edited with Hindi Commentary Ayurved Tattva Sandipika; kalpasthana, Chapter 2; Verse 33; Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan;Reprint 2010
Ashtang Hruday, Dr. Bramhanand Tripathi, Uttarardh, ch 35, verse 37, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratishthan
Dr. Kaviraj Ambita Dutta Shastri Editor of Sushruta samhita of Maharsi Susruta Edited with Hindi Commentary Ayurved Tattva Sandipika; kalpasthana, Chapter 2; Verse 29; Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan; Reprint 2010
Dr. Kaviraj Ambita Dutta Shastri Editor of Sushruta samhita of Maharsi Susruta Edited with Hindi Commentary Ayurved Tattva Sandipika; kalpasthana, Chapter 2; Verse 27-28; Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan;Reprint 2010
Charak samhita Sutra, chapter 23, verse 30, vidyotini Hindi Commentary by K.N.Shastri and G.N.Chaturvedi 1989, 16th edi, Chaukhambha Bharti Academy
Dr. Kaviraj Ambita Dutta Shastri Editor of Sushruta samhita of Maharsi Susruta Edited with Hindi Commentary Ayurved Tattva Sandipika; kalpasthana, Chapter 2; Verse 29; Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan;Reprint 2010
Dr. Kaviraj Ambita Dutta Shastri Editor of Sushruta samhita of Maharsi Susruta Edited with Hindi Commentary Ayurved Tattva Sandipika; kalpasthana, Chapter 2; Verse 55; Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan;Reprint 2010
Dr. Kaviraj Ambita Dutta Shastri Editor of Sushruta samhita of Maharsi Susruta Edited with Hindi Commentary Ayurved Tattva Sandipika; kalpasthana, Chapter 2; Verse 50-52; Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan;Reprint 2010
Shastri A., editor, Sushruta Samhita, Kalpasthana, 2/31, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthana
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