A Single Drug Protocol for Bhinnavisha (fragmented poison)
Concepts like Garavisha (artificial poisons), Dooshivisha (cumulative toxins), Jangamavisha (poison of animal origin), Sthavaravishas (poisons of plant origin), Virudhaahara (incompatible food) are much familiar to the ayurvedic world. The idea of Bhinnavisha (fragmented poison) is not acquainted to the budding ayurvedic physicians so far. Many textual references are available for this topic in traditional Malayalam Vishachikitsa texts. The modern conceptual world is with less knowledge on such topics though its applicability is very high. Bhinnavisha is a condition in which the Visha gets scattered and settles in Sandhipradesha (joints), resulting in symptoms like weakness of joints, pains, Kampa (tremors), Daha (burning sensation) and different kinds of manifestations in the course of time due to certain reasons. We are provided with many treatment methodologies for Bhinnavisha (fragmented poison) textually. Here is an attempt to reveal a much-practiced methodology for the treatment of Bhinnavisha (fragmented poison) with a widely available single drug Physalis minima. Linn used in Kashaya (decoction), Ksheerapaka (decoction in milk) and Ghrita (ghee) forms.
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