A rationale approach to Gestational Diabetes Mellitus through Ayurveda - Case Series

  • Dr. Gayathri Bhat N.V. Professor & HOD, Dept of Prasutitantra and Streeroga, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, INDIA.
  • Dr. Deepthi G.B. Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Prasutitantra and Streeroga, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, INDIA.
Keywords: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Ayurveda, Garbha Avastha Janya Prameha, Case Series


Introduction: Gestational diabetes mellitus results in stages of carbohydrate tolerance levels with its first onset during pregnancy. This happens due to the alterations in the glucose metabolism during pregnancy. The incidence of diabetes complicating pregnancy has increased approximately 40% from 1989-2004. The increasing prevalence of type-2 diabetes in pregnant younger women has led to adverse maternal complications and fetal mortality and morbidity. Methodology: Here is a case series of 3 primigravida patients admitted in the In-patient department of Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga, SDM Hospital, Hassan, 2 of these patients in 2nd trimester and 1 patient in 3rd trimester with increased blood glucose levels first diagnosed during pregnancy. They were given Ahara, Vihara and Aushadha as per principals of Ayurveda, Nishamalaki tablet and Asanadhi Gana Kashaya was given in same quantity and duration. Regular diabetic chart was maintained in the In-patient department and alternative day blood sugar levels were measured. Discussion: The holistic approach of treating gestational diabetes mellitus with Ayurveda utilizing the concept given by Acharyas have shown good results in patients paving the way in controlling the blood sugar levels and preventing the complications caused by GDM on both mother and the fetus. There was reduction in the blood glucose levels and no complications were noticed during delivery. Hence here is an article regarding rationale approach to GDM through Ayurveda.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v6i02.1283
Published: 2021-04-30
How to Cite
Dr. Gayathri Bhat N.V., & Dr. Deepthi G.B. (2021). A rationale approach to Gestational Diabetes Mellitus through Ayurveda - Case Series. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 6(02), 257-164. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.v6i02.1283
Case Report