Efficacy of Ardhamatrika Basti in the management of Janu Sandhigatavata vis-a-vis Osteoarthritis of Knee Joint – A Clinical Study
Janu Sandhigata Vata is a Vatavyadhi presenting with Sandhi Shula, Sandhi Shotha, Sandhi Atopa and Prasarana Akunchana Vedana, resulting in limited range of movements, there by restricting daily activities of the individual. Janu Sandhigatavata is commonly identified with Osteoarthritis of Knee Joint characterized by pain, swelling & impaired movements. The prevalence of Osteoarthritis rises progressively with age and it has been estimated that 45% of all people develop Knee Osteoarthritis in life. Osteoarthritis is more common in women than men. The existing line of treatment in contemporary field of medicine includes the administration of NSAIDS, Intra articular steroids and surgical intervention in the form of Knee replacement. In this regard, there is a need for exploring the safe, effective and affordable line of treatment. Basti Karma is a supreme treatment for Vata Vyadhi and also known as Ardha Chikitsa because of its multifaceted actions. Many Basti formulations are mentioned in classics among which Ardhamatrika Basti is best among all the Niruha Basti’s and is said to be the best. In this clinical study 10 the results were statistically highly significant within the group.
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