Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Tribhuvanakirti Rasa
Tribhuvanakirti Rasa is an important Kharaliya Rasayana. It is prepared by using Hingula (cinnabar), Tankana (borax), Vatsanabha (Aconitum), Trikatu (Sunthi, Maricha, Pippali), Pippalimoola in equal proportion. This mixture is to be subjected for 3 Bhavanas each with Tulsipatra, Adraka, Dhaturapatra, and then last with Nirgundipatra Swarasa. In the present study keeping the chief aim of elucidating pharmaceutical and physiochemical analysis of Tribhuvanakirti Rasa (TKR) are prepared adopting methods advocated in Rasamrutam/AFI. The study was carried out in 2 stages - purification of Raw materials (Ashodhita - Hingula, Tankana, Vatsanabha), and preparation of Tribhuvanakirti Rasa. Physiochemical parameters such as LOD (12%), Total ash (16%), acid-insoluble ash (1.6%), Alcohol-soluble extractive (10.4%), water- soluble extractive (37.6%), pH (8.20) and TLC revealed maximum 6 spot in short wave. TKR requires continuous Trituration, until it dry, 60 hour’s duration of repeated levigation was required Bhavana by 4 Swarasa (each 3 times). Total weight gain after preparation of TKR was 12%. The inference from this study may be used as reference standard in the further quality control and clinical researches.
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