Maternal and reproductive health through Ayurveda for Putraghni: Case Study
Ayurveda has a long heritage of promoting and supporting pregnancy till term and aims in getting a successful progeny. The sequence of recurrent loss of pregnancies can be a distressing condition to motherhood. So, it is very important to overcome this devastating emotional fatigue. An Ayurvedic classic has given proper intervention of this condition where repeated abortion can be co-related to Putraghni Yoni Vyapat. In Putraghni Yoni Vyapat, foetus is aborted repeatedly due to Vata-Pitta Dushti and other causes could be due to Dushta Rakta as mentioned by Acharya Charaka. The present study was conducted and managed by Ayurvedic intervention such as Shodhana mainly Virechana and internal usage of Phala Ghrita along with other Ayurvedic formulations. Patient conceived and delivered a healthy child with a successful outcome.
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