A case study on Dusta Vrana (Non Healing Varicose Ulcer)
Any kind of destruction / break / rupture / discontinuity of body tissue/part of the body is called Vrana. Vrana which doesn’t heal in its natural course of healing time is said to be Dusta Vrana along with other pathological manifestations further. Acharya Susruta explains, when a person does not have control over his indriya’s and follows Apathyaja ahaar ,vihar with untimely treated wound leads to severe vitiation of Doshas forming Dushta Vrana. In classics it’s been widely explained about the chikitsa of Vrana. Considering clinical features of dusta vrana and cause here the correlated with Non healing varicose ulcer. The Chronic non healing ulcer are the ulcers that have failed to progress through a time. Sequence of repair, or one that proceeds through the wound healing process without restoring anatomic and functional results.
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