Role of Satvavajaya Chikitsa in Grahani Roga with special reference to Irritable Bowel Syndrome
According to Charaka Samhita, the Chikitsa is divided into three. Daivavyapashraya, Yuktivyapashraya and Satvavajaya. Here Satvavajaya represents uplifting the Satva Guna of Manas, which helps to overcome the psychological illness a person is going through. Even though Grahani Roga is not a Manasika Vyadhi the results are proving that Satvavajaya Chikitsa is needed in Sharirika Vyadis too. Grahani Roga can be correlated to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) where the psychological state of an individual plays a major role in prognosis of treatment. By approaching pharmacological treatment alone the individual may not recover fully and chances of reoccurrence is very high. Since Ayurveda treats the Rogi as a whole entity the mental state of a person is taken into consider before treatment. Population based studies estimate the prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome is 10-20% per year. Considering the increasing rate gastrointestinal disease across the world treatment approach through Ayurveda is need of the time.
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