Critical analysis of etiological factors of Thyroid Disorders in Ayurveda
Thyroid disease is a global health problem that can substantially impact well-being, particularly in pregnancy and childhood. WHO says that, diseases of the thyroid gland are among the most abundant endocrine disorders worldwide second only to diabetes mellitus. The prevalence in men is about one tenth of that in women. Indian statistics shows that 42 million people suffer from thyroid diseases per year. Hyper-and hypothyroidism may be due to diseases of thyroid gland, secondary to malfunction of the pituitary gland, or, tertiary to malfunction in the hypothalamus. Goitre or active thyroid nodules may occur endemic in some areas due to dietary iodine deficiency, with a prevalence of up to 15%. In Ayurveda thyroid disorders can be understand with the concept of Agni Vaishamyata and Galaganda /Gandamala. Various etiological factors highlighted in classical texts like Ati Sevana of Madhura Rasa, Mithyahara Vihar, Vishamasana & pathogenesis like Kaphaja Nanatmaja Vikara, increased Vata and Kapha leads to Medo Dhatu accumulation in Galapradesha leading Galaganda. So, analysing different etiologies & pathogenesis critically with the help of various ayurvedic classics to justify etiopathogenesis of Thyroid Disorders in Ayurveda.
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