Fundamental study of Karnaroga Samanya Chikitsa w.s.r. to Karnasrava
Karnasrava is a common disease in which discharge through ear is routinely reported. Vata vitiated by various Hetus, enters in Karnasrotasas through Karnasiras and induce Karnarogas. Acharya Sushruta have explained the general mode of treatment i.e., Karnaroga Samanya Chikitsa in case of Karnasrava. The importance of Karnaroga Samanya Chikitsa is its approach towards both preventive and curative aspects of disease. The common treatment principle for all Karnaroga is Grutapana, use of Rasayana, Brahmacharya, Avyayama (avoid exercise), Shirasnana (head bath) and Atibhashya (execive speaking). Rasayana represents the basic approach of Ayurveda which comprises preventive, promotive and curative aspect of health. Ghrita is a Yogawahi and follow Sanskara in addition to these aquired properties and also capable of retaining its own properties. So Ghritpana is effective. Brahmacharyapalan is like Sadvrittapalan and is equals to Rasayana effect. Vyayama leads to vitiation of Vata as Karna is Sthana of Vata and exercise causes Kshayaj Samprapti hence it is important to avoid exercise in Karnasrava .In Shirasnana(head bath) water enters in EAC. It changes the PH of meatus skin from acid to alkali, which favours the growth of pathogens. Atibashya (execive speaking) causes Vata Prakopa and Vataprakopa is basic Samprapti for Karnasrava as the preventive aspect, avoidance of execive speaking is necessary.
2. Kaviraj Dr Shashti Ambikadatta. Shushrut samhita edited with Ayurveda tantra Deepika. Chaukhamha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi. Part 2, Uttartantra, Adhyaya 20, Shlok no 3,4,p111.
3. Shree Yadunandanopadhyaya. Madhavanidana with Madhukosh teeka. Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi. Shlok no 57/5, p2441.
4. Kaviraj Dr Shashti Ambikadatta. Shushrut Samhita edited with Ayurveda tantra Deepika, Chaukhamha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi. Part 2, Uttartantra, Adhyay 20, shlok no 1,2,p112.
5. Acharya Trivedi Raghuveer Prasad. Ashtang Sangraha. Vaidyanath Ayurveda bhavan Pvt Ltd, Kolkatta. Sutrasthan, Adhyay 37, shlok no 25.
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7. Kaviraj Dr Shastri Ambikadatta. Shushrut Samhita edited with Ayurveda tantra Deepika. Chaukhamha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi. Part 2, Uttartatra, Adhyaya 21, Shlok 3, p127.
8. Vd Harishchandra Kushwaha. Charak Samhita edited with Shri Chakrapani Virachit Ayurvedic dipika. Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi. Chikitsasthan, Adhya 1, Shlok 1/7,8, p2.
9. Vd Bhramanand Tripathi. Ashtanga Hrudaya. Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prathishtan, Delhi. Adhyaya 2, Shlok 10, p31.
10. Dr lP L Dhingra and Dr Shruti Dhingra. Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat. Elsevier Publication. 6th edition, chapter no 8, Diseases of External Ear, p52.

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