A critical review on poisoning of Dhatura in Agada Tantra
Agada Tantra or toxicology is a branch of Ashtanga Ayurveda which includes the science of poisons.[1] It is originated from the school of toxicology, which was founded and run by Acharya Kashayapa. It deals with various natural and artificial toxic substances and poisons in detail along with their antidotes, the signs and symptoms and also the management of poisoning resulting from the bites of snakes, insects, spiders, rodents etc as well as from the combinations of various other poisons & fatal doses of various poisons.[2] It also deals with medicine in relation to the law, legal aspects of medical ethics and standards. Damshtra or Visha Chikitsa, as the Agada Tantra is popularly known, deals with various methods of cleaning the poisons out of the body as well as recommends antidotes for particular poisons. It deals with a wide range of natural toxins originating from wild lives like animals, birds, insects etc., plants including herbs (belladonna, aconite etc.), vegetables, minerals (leads, mercury, arsenal etc.) and artificial poisons prepared from poisonous drugs. Dhatura is one of the poisonous drug described in Ayurveda.[3] Which is an one of the Deliriant poison.
2. Sushruta, Kaviraj Ambika datta Shastri (ed). Sushruta Samhita, Sutrasthana. Adhyaya 1st, Shlok no 14, Vol 1, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthana, Varanasi. Reprint 2015, 6.
3. Aacharya Priyavata Sharma. Textbook of Dravya guna Vigyana, Panchama Adhyaya. Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi. Reprint 2009,p501.
4. Dr C K Parikh. Parikh’s Textbook of medical Jurisprudence, forensic medicine & Toxicology. Dhatura Introduction, CBS Publications & Distributors, New Delhi. Reprint 2009,10,p50.
5. Shri Brahmashankar Mishra, Shri Rupalalaji Vaishya. Bhavaprakasha, Madhyamakhanda. Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan, Varanasi. Shlok 85-87, Vol 1, Reprint 2016,p491.
6. Dr C K Parikh. Parikh’s Textbook of medical Jurisprudence, forensic medicine & Toxicology. Dhatura Introduction, CBS Publications & Distributors, New Delhi. Reprint 2009,10,p50.
7. Shri Brahmashankar Mishra, Shri Rupalalaji Vaishya. Bhavaprakasha, Madhyamakhanda. Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan, Varanasi. Vol 1, Reprint 2016, 491.
8. Ranjana K A. Critical Review on Datura Upavisha and its Toxicity. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem. 2018(9); 1 p 437-445.
9. Dr C K Parikh. Parikh’s Textbook of medical Jurisprudence, forensic medicine & Toxicology. CBS Publications & Distributors, New Delhi. Reprint 2009, 10.50-10, 51.
10. Dr C K Parikh. Parikh’s Textbook of medical Jurisprudence, forensic medicine & Toxicology. CBS Publications & Distributors, New Delhi. Reprint 2009, 10, 52.

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