A transverse study to observe the health status of individuals working in frontline of COVID-19 Management
This study is aimed to observe the health status of the individuals working in the front line of the COVID-19 management in the Udaipur city along with immunomodulator and preventive effect of certain ayurvedic formulations. This study had become essential to be conducted by viewing in the surge of the COVID-19 (first wave) cases in the Udaipur city and by the urge of the local administration to the Principal of MMM Government Ayurveda College, Udaipur. For this study three (3) Ayurvedic formulations i.e., Navrasayan Yoga (powder), Mukhshodhak Yoga (Mouth wash) and Nasya Bindu Taila (Nasal drop) were prepared in the pharmacy of the MMM GAC, Udaipur, under the guidance of the expert panel of the college. These formulations were to be distributed among the people, who were working in the front line of the COVID-19 management in the city. A questionnaire (Performa) was also prepared for the evaluation of the immunity status of the individuals (participants). In this sequence, these Ayurvedic formulations were given to the registered individuals, and the immunity status of the participants were recorded before and after the trial of the medicine with the help of the questionnaire.
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Guideline for COVID-19 by Ministry Of AYUSH, Govt. Of INDIA.
Guideline for COVID-19 by Department Of Ayurveda, Govt. Of Rajasthan.

Copyright (c) 2021 Dr. Man Mohan Sharma, Prof. Mahesh Dixit, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Soni, Dr. Shailesh Singh

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