Studies on Vishada Guna of Vata Dosha and validation of its assessment criteria
Vata possesses the Vishada property which is assessed through its action of Kleda Achusan and Ropan. Action of Vishada Guna of Vata Dosha is Kshalana Karma. The causative factor for Medavaha Srota Dushti is Avyam, Diva Swapno, Meda Bhakshan and Varuni Ati Seban. Objectives of the study was to evaluate the etymological and syntactical derivation of the Guna of Vata Dosha, to evaluate the biophysical and molecular basis of the Vishada Guna. The study was conducted over 25 healthy volunteers (16 -70 years) who had the Dhatu Samya Lakshanas and 25 patients having the Meda Kshaya Lakshans. The healthy volunteers (Group-A) were taken under the control group for the assessment and standardization of the normal value of IL-1, IL-8 and TNF-α in the blood. Group-A with normal level of IL-1, IL-2 and TNF-α signify a specific range of objective parameters i.e. the activity of RE system with Dhatu Samya Lakshanas in healthy volunteers. Group-B the same objective parameters were recorded of the patients presenting with the Sandhi Sphutan, as a characteristic of Meda Kshaya Lakshana. Significant increase in the blood level of IL-1, IL-8 and TNF-α in comparison to healthy personality reveals that aggravation of Vishada Guna causes Kshalana Karma reflecting Sandhi Sphutan. Hence, those three parameters may be significant criteria for the assessment of Sandhi Sphutan.
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