Insight on Raksha Karma with Sterilization
Ayurveda the science of healthy living encompasses of various branches of therapeutic aspect. Shalyatantra is one of them which involves surgical and parasurgical interventions. For the success of surgical line of treatment Acharya Sushruta has advised Raksha Karma which is equivalent term for Sterilization. Acharyas mentioned various Dhoopana with Rakshoghna Dravyas for the sterilization of OT rooms, surgical ward, Neonatal ward and Labour ward to protect from Atura macro and microorganisms and for instruments sterilization by Agni (Heat), Kahaya (Decoction) and Atapa (Sunlight) etc. Nowadays Sterilization procedure is done with the same basic principles of Ayurveda i.e. Heat, Chemicals or Radiation.
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