Concept of environmental pollution and its management in Ayurveda
In current era environmental pollution is a major treat and is one of the greatest problems that the whole world is facing. The term pollution is presence of offensive matter in environment. This offensive matter is nothing but the presence of various pollutants in the surrounding environment. It involves five basic types of pollution air, water, soil, noise, light. Pollutants are components of pollution; they may be either foreign substances or naturally occurring contaminants. Pollutants are a waste matter that pollutes soil, water and air. The harmful chemicals became an integral part of our life. The harmful chemical causes damages to our body as well as our environment. As it has a negative effect on natural elements this Pollution must be taken seriously. Through maintenance of Dincharaya, Rutucharya, Sadvritta, person’s physical and mental health is secured.
2. Kaviraj Ambita Dutta Shastri (ed). Sushruta Samhita of Maharsi Susruta with Hindi Commentary Ayurved Tattva Sandipika. Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi. Kalpasthana, Chapter 3, Verse 10, Reprint 2010.
3. KN Shastri, GN Chaturvedi (eds). Charak Samhita. Chaukhambha Bharti Academy, Varanasi. Vimanasthana, Chapter 3, Verse 6, 16th ed;1989.
4. Kaviraj Ambita Dutta Shastri (ed). Sushruta Samhita of Maharsi Susruta with Hindi Commentary Ayurved Tattva Sandipika. Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi. Kalpasthana, Chapter 3, Verse 12, Reprint 2010.
5. Kaviraj Ambita Dutta Shastri (ed). Sushruta Samhita of Maharsi Susruta with Hindi Commentary Ayurved Tattva Sandipika. Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi. Kalpasthana, Chapter 3, Verse 8, Reprint 2010.
6. Kaviraj Ambita Dutta Shastri (ed). Sushruta Samhita of Maharsi Susruta with Hindi Commentary Ayurved Tattva Sandipika. Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi. Sutrasthana, Chapter 45, Verse 27, Reprint 2010.
7. KN Shastri, GN Chaturvedi (eds). Charak Samhita. Chaukhambha Bharti Academy, Varanasi. Vimanasthana, Chapter 3, Verse 1, 16th ed;1989.
8. Kaviraj Ambita Dutta Shastri (ed). Sushruta Samhita of Maharsi Susruta with Hindi Commentary Ayurved Tattva Sandipika. Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi. Kalpasthana, Chapter 3, Verse 16, Reprint 2010.

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