Role of Diet, Fasting and Drugs in Blood Purification and Prevention of Diseases based on Charak Samhita
Ayurveda is the science which deals with individual as a whole rather than mere focussing on sign and symptoms and hence is individual specific and all about the knowledge and existence of "Ayu" which is nothing but the conjunction and continuation of four components i.e., Sharira, Indriya, Satwa and Atma, where Sharira and Indriya are tangible while Satwa (Manas) and Atma are intangible. Individual is the epitome of the universe and hence affected and influenced at both gross and subtle level and three sub-pillars i.e., Aahar, Nindra and Brahmacharya have huge impact in all the dimensions of Ayu directly affecting the state of health and hence happiness when used wisely, again vitiation of Doshas and manifestation of diseases when used unwisely (Pragyaphradha). Aacharya Sushruta has considered Rakta as 4thDoshas, so the importance of proper formation and its role in formation and maintenance of other Dhatus and Ojas depends entirely on the diet and life style of each and every individual. The properties of pure blood and also of impure blood along with every factor either physical or emotional affecting the Rakta has been told with enumeration of various pathological conditions arising out of this.
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11. Agnivesha, RK Sharma, Bhagwan Dash (ed). Charak Samhita, Chaukahambha Surabharathi, Varanasi. Vol 1, Sutrasthan, Chakrapani in chapter 1/6-7, 2008; page 14.
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