A conceptual study on Rajonivritti with special reference to menopausal syndrome in Ayurveda
Menopausal syndrome refers to final cessation of menstruation with group of symptoms, at which the woman gradually changes from the reproductive life into one of senescence. This is due to changing dietary & behavioural habits, physical as well as mental & intellectual capacities of females. Such kinds of adversity may lead to drastic change in her lifestyle. Woman is the center point of the family, society, nation & the world. So the health of nation depends upon the health of a woman. So to maintain her health, utmost care & effective treatment should be needed. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is one and only alternative for this health hazard by which one can get spectacular achievement in combating the disease, but it has a wider range of secondary health complications like vaginal bleeding, breast cancer, endometrical cancer, gallbladder diseases etc. So. to find out safe, potent, cost effective remedy from Ayurveda for the management of afore said lacuna is the need of the hour.
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