Ayurvedic interventional management of Manyagatavata w.s.r. to Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (CSM) - A Case Study
Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (CSM) is a degenerative spinal disease which may lead to significant clinical morbidity. The onset of symptoms is usually insidious, with long periods of fixed disability and episodic worsening events. Regarding the pathophysiology of CSM, the repeated injuries to the spinal cord are caused by both static and dynamic mechanical factors. Only limited surgical procedures, neuroplasticity and other medical interventions are employed in modern medicine. The standard treatment for moderate to severe CSM is operative procedures which are least preferred by the elderly patients. Hence there is a need to search for effective treatment in alternative medicine. According to Ayurveda, cervical spondylosis can be co-related with Manyagatavata, a type of Vataja Vyadhi. A 48 years old male patient presented with Neck pain, neck stiffness, and back pain since 4 years. Here, we are presenting a case of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (CSM) which was treated with Ayurvedic Panchakarma procedures such as Virechana with Mahatikta Ghruta, Tiktaksheera Basti, Greeva Basti, Nasya Karma with Vacha Taila along with Ayurvedic oral drugs like Tab Brihatvata Chintamani Rasa, Ashvagandha Churna with Kavacha Beeja Churna, Amruta Guggula, Ekangaveera Rasa and Chaturbhurja Rasa. These entire drugs were prescribed for twice a day after meals. This case report revealed usefulness of Panchakarma procedures and Ayurveda oral medicines in the management of Manyagatavata w.s.r. to Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (CSM).
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