Ayurvedic management of Stress Induced Migraine - A Single Case Report
In general medical practice, migraine can be considered as the most common and misinterpreted disease. It was observed that, around 40% of individuals worldwide are currently suffering from migraine headache which results in disturbance in daily routine of individuals. The life style of the people of modern era has changed due to rapid urbanization. Due to changed work expectations for better life style, stress is causing increased incidence of acute and chronic disorders. Migraine is an episodic headache disorder peculiarized by pain involving either half of the head associated with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, sound, or smell. Symptoms of Migraine are having resemblance with Ardhavabhedaka, which is mentioned under Shiroroga. All the three Doshas are engaged in the pathogenesis with the predominance of Vata or Vatakapha. Routinely the management of migraine is aimed at stopping the symptoms and preventing the future attacks. Use of modern medicines can result in gastric irritation and drug dependency which can trigger the attacks again. In Ayurveda, we have a wide array of natural remedies which can be used in Ardhavabhedaka. In present case study the patient of Ardhavabhedaka was treated with Nasya Karma and Shaman Chikitsa. Nasya Karma (Errhine Therapy) is considered as the best therapeutic intervention in Shiro Roga by Acharya Charaka. This patient has been treated with Lodhra Ghrita Nasya, Drakshadi Kashaya, Avipathi Churna, Kamaduga Rasa and Manasamitra Vataka assessment was done. Follow up was done after 3 months and the relief was considerable.
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