A case report of Trivrut Leha Virechana and Rasottamadi Lepa in Indralupta
Acharya Vagbhata has explained about Indralupta regarding its Nidana, Lakshanas and Chikitsa in Uttaratantra. Indralupta is a Shiroroga characterized by patchy hair loss on scalp, itching and anxiety. This condition can be correlated with Alopecia areata due to similarities. Though there are many modalities described in modern science, still it is not possible to cease the permanent impairment. In Ayurveda, many modalities are being described for Urdhwajatrugata Rogas and for Shirogata Vikaras. Among them Virechana is best in Indralupta as it is a Pittapradhana Vyadhi and Virechana is Shreshtha for Pittaharana. The Virechana Karma is explained by Brihatrayis. The complete procedure of Virechana Karma includes Poorvakarma (Deepana, Pachana, Snehapana, Abhyanga and Swedana) which helps in mobilization of the Doshas to the site of elimination and causes vasodilatation in order to expel out the Doshas from the body, and provides better channel for absorption of the Oushadhi. Pradhanakarma (Virechana) eliminates the Doshas from the body. Paschatkarma (Sansarjana Krama and Rasottamadi Lepa) eliminates the remaining Doshas and causes better absorption of Oushadhi which ultimately eliminates the symptoms of the disease. A clinical observation has shown effective result in the treatment of Indralupta with Trivrut Leha Virechana and Rasottamadi Lepa and here we are revalidating the statement of our Acharyas. A case report of a female, aged 28 years with complains of patchy hair loss on scalp in crown and right temporal region, itching on scalp and anxiety has been presented here.
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Ashtanga hridaya of Vagbhata edited with the Vidyotini Hindi Commentary by Kaviraja Atrideva Gupta Vidyalankara, Bhishagratna Uttaratantra adhyaya 24 shloka 28-32, Edited by Vaidya Yadunandana Upadhyaya, Chaukambha Prakashana, Reprint 2009, Page.no. 731-732.
Ashtanga hridaya of Vagbhata edited with the Vidyotini Hindi Commentary by Kaviraja Atrideva Gupta Vidyalankara, Bhishagratna, Kalpasthana adhyaya 2 shloka 9, Edited by Vaidya Yadunandana Upadhyaya, Chaukambha Prakashana, Reprint 2009, Page.no. 588.
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Ashtanga hridaya of Vagbhata edited with the Vidyotini Hindi Commentary by Kaviraja Atrideva Gupta Vidyalankara, Bhishagratna Uttaratantra adhyaya 23 shloka 25, Edited by Vaidya Yadunandana Upadhyaya, Chaukambha Prakashana, Reprint 2009, Page.no. 728.

Copyright (c) 2021 Suhasini Ashok Mote, Vishwanath S Patil, Ramesh N Gennur, Kamalakshi M Angadi

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