An Ayurvedic treatment protocol in the management of Vataja Prathishyaya w.s.r. to Allergic Rhinitis - A Case Report
Introduction: Prathishyaya is one among 31 Nasagatha Roga explained by Sushrutha Acharya. Vata and Kapha are said to be the predominant Doshas involved in the manifestation of this condition. Vataja prathishyaya is one among 5 types of Prathishyaya. It is a common disorder characterized by Anaddha Pihita Nasa, Tanusrava, Shosha in Gala Taalu and Oshta, pain in Shankapradesha and Swaropaghatha. It is correlated to allergic rhinitis. This is a disorder in which there are episodes of nasal congestion, watery nasal discharge sneezing and redness and itching in eyes and nose. Allergic Rhinitis is due to an immediate hypersensitivity reaction to nasal mucosa. According to ayurvedic perspective allergy is scientifically explained under Asatmyaja Vyadhi and is mainly caused due hereditary factor, Viruddhahara, Dushivisha & Ritu Sandhi. This is the case report of 20 years old male patient complaints of continuous episodes of sneezing, running nose, itching in eyes and nose since 3 years. Materials and Methods: The subject who approached Shalakya Tantra OPD of Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bengaluru with symptoms of episodes of sneezing, running nose, itching in eyes and nose since 3 years was systematically reviewed and treatment modalities like Nirgundi Taila Nasya and internally Guda Maricha yoga is advised. Results: The subject showed marked improvement symptomatically and marked changes are seen in haematological investigations. Discussion: Vataja Prathishyaya is affecting the Urdhwajatru especially Nasa and hampering the lifestyle of the patient. It is mainly vata and kaphaja vyadhi. Nasya and Abhyantara yoga advised are Vata - Kaphara in nature, having anti-inflammatory and antiallergic property hence it has shown marked improvement.
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