Tamaka Swasa : A Case Study
Tamaka Swasa is one among the Pranavaha Srotho Vikara. It is a Swatantra Vyadhi (independent disease) which is having its own etiological factors, pathophysiology and management. According to Charaka it is considered as Yapya Vyadhi (palliative disease), while Sushruta considered it as Krichchra Sadhya Vyadhi (difficult to cure), therefore proper line of treatment and implementation of excellent lifestyle is necessary for better quality of life. Currently an attempt has been made to explore the efficacy of such formulations in reducing the signs and symptoms of Tamaka Swasa. A case of 49-year-old male patient who presented with the symptoms of difficulty in breathing, chest pain, cough with whitish color sputum and generalized weakness of Tamaka Swasa was treated by internal Ayurvedic medicines and marked improvement was seen. After 4 weeks of follow up no episodes of above complaints have been reported.
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