A clinical study on Infantile Colic with Kuberaksha
Crying is one of the essential behaviors to communicate the demands of the baby so that it can be fulfilled by the parents. Prolonged crying is a source of anxiety and distress for the parents & challenge for the doctor. Infantile colic is a diagnosis of exclusion for prolonged cry in early infancy. It is described as paroxysmal crying. In the present clinical study total 100 patients were treated with 2 groups viz. treated group with Kuberaksha Vati (n=60) and Control group (n=40). By triturating Beejamajja (seed pulp powder) of Kuberaksha with honey, pills were prepared by an approximate weight of 125mg for treated group and for the purpose of controlled group study, placebo were prepared in similar way as that of Kuberaksha Vati. The disease infantile colic has compared with Udarashoola described in Ayurvedic classics. The history was noted by interviewing the parent/ guardian. All Parents were advised to administer the drug 125mg twice daily for a period of 3 days. Follow up of study was done after 7 days for any reoccurrence of symptoms. Significant result was obtained after treatment and follow up in treated group; whereas the percentage of improvement was very low in control group. This randomized, placebo controlled clinical trial on infantile colic is found effective by administration of specially prepared Kuberaksha Vati. It has a positive short-term effect on infantile colic.
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