Jyotismati Taila and Ashtamangal Ghrita Nasya in the management of Mental Retardation - A Comparative Study
Mental retardation is still elusive to researchers due to multidimensionality of psychological, medical, educational and social aspects, which alters mental functions and capability. Mental sub capability divided in 4 categories, Mild, Moderate, Severe and Profound. Chief aim of management of mental retardation is to make child more capable of performing common activities of everyday life by positive improvement in mental sub-capability. Mental retardation required multidimensional management approach. Present study focused on medicinal intervention, particularly analysis of comparative effectiveness of selected drug formulations (Astamangalghrita and Jyotismatitaila) from classical text of Ayurveda. Study design with the aims to compare the effectiveness of Jyotismatitaila and Astamangal Ghrita Nasya on Mental retardation. Assessment were based on Mental Status Score and IQ score taken before starting of treatment and after completion of treatment in both group. Obtained data was analyzed statistically. In this study, from result we conclude that both drugs are effective to improve Mental Status parameter and in IQ, but higher percentage and significance wise Jyotismati Taila had better result than Astamangal Ghrita Nasya.
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