Clinical study of Snuhi Ksharasutra and its role in management of Bhagandara (Fistula in Ano)
Kshar Sootra treatment heals the fistulous tract with maintaining integrity of sphincters of anal canal. In Ayurveda Chhedana Karma, Kshara Karma, Ksharasootra therapy and Agnikarma are described for the management of Bhagandara Out of these; Ksharasootra became more popular and proven therapy as a radical cure of Bhagandara with negligible rate of recurrence and complication in comparison to the contemporary methods like fistulectomy and fistulotomy. In this clinical study total 20 patients of Bhagandara were registered from OPD and IPD of Shalya Tantra department, Major S.D. Singh P.G. Ayurvedic Medical College, Farrukhabad, and randomly divided in two groups. In this comparative clinical study all the subjective parameters like pain, itching and objective parameter like swelling, discharge and unit cutting time showed statistically significant results in all groups. It was found that Snuhi Ksharasutrawas more effective than Apamarg Kshar Sutra.
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