Questionnaire designing and validation on Dadhi Sevana in Kaphaja Kasa
Consumption of Dadhi (curd) has a role in the formation of Kaphaja Kasa. It acts as a Viprakrista Nidana (distant cause) and as a Vyabhichari Nidana (weak cause) for the causation of disease. Dadhi being Madhura, Amla Rasa, Guru, Snigdha, Abhishyandi Guna, Ushna Veerya and Amla Vipaka and having Kaphakara property. Samanya Nidana of Kaphaja Kasa is intake of Guru, Abhishyandi, Madura, Snigdha Guna Aharas. And also, Dadhi is one among the Kapha Prakopa Karana Ahara explained by Madhavakara. To make Ayurveda easily acceptable, as per the current trends in research, a review of previously proved fundamentals of Ayurveda in line with currently followed method of research is essential to achieve easy application in field of clinical research. Five step processes of designing and validation of questionnaire ensure a researc h tool for clinical research. Thus, validations of Questionnaire are based on Dadhi Sevana. Due to Samanya Vishesha Siddhanta, Samana Guna acts as a Vruddhi Karana, also one who doesn’t follow Dadhi Sevana Niyamas, hence it shows risk factor in the formation of Kaphaja Kasa.
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