A Comparative Study of Masanumasik Garbha Vikas Krama according to Ayurveda with Its Clinical Importance
In universe human is the best creation of Nature. It is a miracle and wonder of the nature which have proper shape, size and weight of human body. Procuring a baby is a lifetime dream of every female in the society. A malformed alive fetus is one of the worst aspects of pregnancy. Ayurveda gives precise description of Garbha Vriddhi and Vikas Kram, though there were no modern imaging techniques like sonography, MRI etc. Different Texts of Ayurveda gives various views regarding Garbha Utpattiand Garbha Vriddhi. Ayurveda has also mentioned Garbhini Lakshana which are helpful in diagnosis of early pregnancy and prevents the fetal anamolies. This study is an attempt to elaborate and compare both ancient and modern concept of embryogenesis and its clinical significance.
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