Effects of Food Pollution on Human Health and Its management through Panchakarma

  • Deepti Negi Assistant Professor, Department of Agad Tantra Evum Vidhi Vaidyaka, Dev Bhoomi Medical College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.
  • Rashmi Joshi Assistant Professor, Department of Panchkarma, Motherhood Ayurveda Medical College, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India.
  • Kanchan Thakur Assistant Professor, Department of Panchkarma, Dev Bhoomi Medical College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.
  • Anupama Kumari Assistant Professor, Department of Agad Tantra Evum Vidhi Vaidyaka, Smt. Urmila Devi Ayurvedic College of Medical Science and Hospital, Kharkan, Hosiyarpur, Punjab, India.
Keywords: Food Pollution, Fertilizer, Pesticides, Cancer, Adverse Effect, Panchakarma Therapy.


Air, water and food are the basic necessities of life. If one pillar is disturbed then we can’t expect the other two works positively for our health. In Ayurveda there is description of Triya Upstambh where food (aahar) placed in first place, which shows the importance of food.  We can define food pollution as, the presence of toxic chemical and biological contaminants which are not naturally part of our food. Examples are preservatives, taste enhancer, coloring agents. In present time our food is also contaminated by fertilizers, pesticides and heavy metals. This put very deleterious effect upon our body.  It is a silent killer, because these harmful effects come after a long time of consuming this polluted food. Adulteration in edible products is also a common cause of food pollution. Food pollution is causing so many diseases related to different system of our body, like digestive system related, nervous system related etc. some serious health problems are developing day by day such as hormonal problems and various types of cancer. Water pollution and soil pollution are trigger factor or we could say enhancer for food pollution. Growing crops in polluted soil with polluted water is also responsible for polluting the food. Not only polluted soil or water, there are so many sources of food pollution.  Panchakarma is the ayurvedic approach to get rid of these toxins and restores good health through detoxification of the human body. This article is related to polluted food, food adulteration, their adverse effects upon human body and its management through Panchakarma therapy.



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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v6i4.1397
Published: 2021-09-15
How to Cite
Deepti Negi, Rashmi Joshi, Kanchan Thakur, & Anupama Kumari. (2021). Effects of Food Pollution on Human Health and Its management through Panchakarma. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 6(4), 149 - 153. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.v6i4.1397
Review Article